The Business & Branding Bootcamp
Phoenix, Arizona
March 25-27, 2022
This professional entrepreneurial bootcamp is designed to help Purpose-Led Business Practitioners get bold in your business and branding. Invest in yourself and see the results! In this three-day experience, you'll learn immediately applicable business and marketing strategies to grow your business NOW!
Join us in person!
Mindful Leadership for a Crazy World
How do we "do" leadership in a crazy world?
More than pivoting and recalibrating, leaders are being called to gain a better understanding of the principles and practices of mindful leadership to thrive in the current landscape. This is a very trying time for leaders.
Join other leaders for a very timely six-week facilitated series of 1-hour sessions to gain awareness, connection and community in your leadership journey - part connection, part content, 100% community.
Week 1: Awareness - cultivating the art of awareness in your decision-making
Week 2: Intention - inviting purpose into your plans
Week 3: Action - stepping mindfully into action
Week 4: Acknowledgement - working with the awesome power of gratitude
Week 5: Reflection - becoming centered among the noise
Week 6: Developing a Lasting Practice of Mindfulness - finding what works for YOU
If you thought 2022 was the year to grow your skills and understanding of a more centered way of being in this thing called leadership, this is the perfect opportunity.
Begins Tuesday, February 1, 2022 for six weeks from 12:00-1:00 p.m. EST